La Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur es un ente intermunicipal situado en el departamento de los Alpes Marítimos, en la región francesa de Provenza-Alpes-Costa Azul. Es una estructura intermunicipal que agrupa varios municipios de la región, centrados en la ciudad de Niza.
La Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur tiene un amplio abanico de competencias: desarrollo económico, ordenación del territorio, transporte público, gestión de residuos, agua, cultura, turismo y otros servicios públicos locales. Su objetivo es coordinar las políticas públicas y promover el desarrollo armonioso de la región.
Esta metrópolis es el resultado de un cambio en la estructura intermunicipal de la región y fue creada para hacer frente a los retos del desarrollo económico, la planificación urbana y la gestión de los servicios públicos a escala metropolitana.
Decarbonising all modes of transport is a key challenge for our Metropolis.
We are working with the Principality of Monaco to test a zero-emission cross-border maritime shuttle service between the ports of Nice and Cap d’Ail. The aim is to provide a regular, totally carbon-free service between the port of Nice and Monaco with good travel conditions, with more than 30 rotations a day, in 40 to 50 minutes maximum.
This service is mainly aimed at working people travelling to Monaco for work. It will also provide a link for seasonal workers and residents. This trial will require improvements to the pontoons and safety gantries to comply with maritime regulations in terms of safety, security and navigation.
Key figures:
1,200 people transported per day
1 shuttle every 30 minutes from 7.00am to 8.30am and from 5.30pm to 8.00pm
1 shuttle every hour between 8.30am and 5.30pm
After an initial call for tenders failed to identify a sufficiently mature transport offer, sourcing was carried out to gain a better understanding of the state of the market for zero-emission maritime shuttles. According to the manufacturers who responded to our sourcing, a regular zero-emission service would be operational after 2026.
Between now and then, we have agreed with the Principality of Monaco to carry out trials of smaller, carbon-free boats. This is a subject that we want to push forward in the run-up to the United Nations Ocean Summit that Nice will be hosting in June 2025. The third in the world after New York and Lisbon, it will be the occasion for a new international agreement to protect our planet.