Our team will carry out the relationships as well as the execution of commercial missions for entities wishing to increase their presence in the Green markets or provide technological, environmental and sustainable solutions.
For this we offer a series of services.
Identification of strategic challenges for companies and the community to which they belong: quantification and geolocation of resources.
Analysis of the possibilities of synergies: identification of the opportunities and the necessary resources to cover them.
Development of synergies and creation of economic projects by putting the appropriate actors in contact.
Generate rapprochement between supply and demand and facilitate access to projects at national and international level.
Organize meetings grouping actors with the same interest.
Find the solution for a technical, economic, human problem raised by a public body or by private entities.
We propose market research, commercial prospecting, search for commercial agents, experts, talent recruitment at local, national and international level, and also search for financing.
After a complete analysis of the company, the main objectives and priorities will be defined with the client and we will provide the experts to guide them in their process.
Collaboration can also consist of carrying out different actions, training and information to prepare for this change.
We do not provide certification and regulation services, but we can guide you towards the competent organizations in the requested field.
Procedures for certification and approval of products.
The platform offers different training courses in different areas and sectors of activities taught by professionals in each market.
Customised training courses can also be designed according to the client’s needs.
We design strategies, action plans and promotional plans for companies that want to value their projects, products or services.
We will guide you towards the most appropriate and profitable solutions.